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Showing posts from 2015

Happy New Year 2016

Dear friend, we are in front of old year 2015, ready for new year 2016 come next  100 min. Wish you a happy new year. New year come with new season of the League of Legends game. Some new champion appears with some new rules to play. We feel happy to welcome all of the things like that. I hope that the game will be balance and have accepted rules for all gamers. The battles will be more fun and exciting. New items take a new important roles for the game strategy. We need to know more about the items and have deep knowledge about our playing champion. We welcome the new year 2016. Let's go to drink the wine to celebrate the new year. Let's go to play some League of Legends game to find ourselves. We have the different way to play game but we try to make a fair play, a friendship game. We throw all the unlucky things behind. We take the new pages of the game in new season together. We celebrate the new year with a song: Abba – Happy New Year No more champagne And the ...

League of Legends, lets patient to the end, mind to win the game

My situation is the malphite supporting kor'maw vs draven and bliztcrank bot lane. It's hard vs the enemy like them, keep your eyes on pull of blizt, I die 3 times, then wanna quit game, bad smooth. But I keep smile and go on. I grow up time by time with core item Sunfire Cape, Death Man's Plate, Iceborn Gauntlet, Ninja Tapi. This time, we dance free, so great. I can vs solo with Blizt,  Drave, Yi and win. In the late game, we win. Malphite is a good champion in late game, the real tanker. He can slow, stun AOE, damage. He have many ways to build: all ability power, full tank. He is very strong in the previous season and be nerfed. But he is still strong season 6, take care on him and don't let him farm or kill to build full items. It's terrible monster in late game, hard to kill, stun aoe, slow... Your team get him, so lucky. Basically, Malphite have 3 way to play: all armor, all ability power or 5/5 armor/ability power. He have enough armor against the rival ...

League of Legends, Cho'gath too big to fall

I love Cho'gath, a powerfull Mage through the match. A small creature start at the game with base ability "get back health cause of the killed creep". His combo skill at less than level 6, following; Rupture "launch enemies into the air", Feral Scream "silencing enemies in front, magic damage";Vorpal Spikes "physical attacks launch spike to front". Imagine, 2 disable skills-launch enemy to the air, silent them, magic damage- and spike through in front, back health after kill creep, it's keep your in the lane long,stable and safe. Last, his ultimate, true damage, get health, stack to bigger after eat his enemy, think about a big monster full 6 stacks, hp more than 4k, magic damage, defense... Remember, Cho'Gath is so slowly in big mode. It's enough for a win game have Cho'Gath in the team. The lord Cho'Gath as the wiki said. "There is a place between dimensions, between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, ...

Why we play League of legends

Back to first open beta League of Legends, I play as a noob. I wanna thank to my partners, friends, they guide me how to play, how to complete a game like LOL. When I play League of Legends with difference champion, I see myself in this game, the role of yours champion. It's hard to describe my feelings about that. I fear to face against someone, so I pick tank melee, combat as warrior, die for honor. It's make me stronger day by day. Your combat, your dead, make you strong, you can control your mind, your soul. I usually play the ranger champion in League of Legend game because I fear to be hit by others. I want to stand away and shot them. I change my mind in the day that I take melee champion. I try to get close to the foe, try to fight versus my fear. In that way, I improve my soul everyday. I control my emotion better. I meet many peoples all over the world in this game. The friends who don't see outside but we have nice combat, good coordination. We share and lea...

League of Legends, think about your rune page

First, I share my thought in old way: put all main site on your rune. For example, you wanna ADC, put all damage rune for your stack, all runes as Mark Seal Glyph Quint plus damage. The same as AP is all Ability Power runes, Tank is all Defend/Health ...We forget remain properties as speed, penetrate, critical chance, magic/physical damage resistance ... The results of this build is your champion is hard to grown up in the match, lost health too much, back to base many times, low level... weak vs opponent. So, the new thing come with set focus on penetrate combine with main role ADC, APC, TANK/SP. I build up my Garen champion follow mobafire guide with damage-physical penetrate-physical resistance-magic resistance. Garen support, build in the new way, stay lane long, burn enemy effectively, Q skill hit hurt...think about this. You have high armor, high hp, high resistance, it's fine but if your ADC or your assassin is bad, you can't stand anymore. You don't have the da...

Ashe- Mystery Archer with cool grin- Back to old Ashe, the first class champion of league of legends

I remember when the close-beta of LOL begins, a power Ashe with ice ability. She has base ability 100% critical chance if she is idle, don't worry about speed or shot continuously, just hit and stop to something then shot 100% critical damage to her enemy. Her 4 skills: first one hit ice if activate, second skill shot multi arrows, third one is inactive plus money to her pocket, last one is ultimate stun arrows long as range distance from shot point to target point. Ice arrow, slow enemies is effect if you active skill 1 combine with others. The best match I played, stand in the mid lane, shot to cut down each opponent she meet, but I have no images or videos to show that times. Ashe is known as a basic champion in League of Legends game. She is easy to play but she is fragile, easy to catch, hard to escape. Season 6 come with new Ashe who always have slowly. The cool grin come back to her, don't keep your eyes away from her. Now she remade, ice everything she touch, active...

League of Legend- Need teamwork and good moves to win the match

Last League of Legends match with team, Shyvana( jungle), Yasuo( mid), Twister Fate( top), Bliztcrank( support), Kog'Maw( AD) vs Sejuani( jungle), Yasuo( mid), Garen( top), Zyra( support), Draven( AD), Shyvana full items in the early with max level and 20 kills but we lose the game. I take Shyvana , so have something to share about this match. We combat in the world need teamwork and nice move. The opponent is lower power but they win, what is cause of the winners?. I think it have 2 main point: 1. they have late champion in good stand although we burn them in the early match. 2. they have teamwork more than ours. We win in the full team combat but lose cause bad moving, be catch each member in the lane. We need focus on the mini map. When our rivals move, we try to predict their next move. We go to the point that we attack the enemy suddenly and effectively. This main key give ours a victory. League of Legends is a teamwork game. Like a football, we have some stars but if we do...