I pretend to play Xin Zhao as APC but my teammate pick already. So, I pick Jinx to join the League of Legends game. I don't play Jinx along time ago after her change. I feel her ranger is down. I am not sure how to play right Jinx. We have 2 matches: 1 lose, 1 win. The 1st match, I choose damage/tank rune. The game is not comfortable . The bot lane contain Morgana and Vayne, they hit me more and more. I have no chance to farm. I always loose versus Vayne in the duel. My damage is greater than Vayne but my attack speed is lower than him. I killed him almost. He survive 60 hp. I try to build up more damage item but it is not effective. All five members surrender this match. The 2nd match, I choose attack speed/ critical damage. My team pick Lux, Graves, Katarina, Xin Zhao (junlge). I pick Jinx to troll them instead of tanker/supporter. The begin of the game, Jinx go top with Lux, she complain so much. She want me to leave her alone vs Illaoi. Lux and me die in opponent tu...
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