I learn angularjs and build some code from scratch. The first, it show up the skeleton of website structure. wwwroot: -CSS ++main.css --> css how your website style -IMG --> image for your website ++someIMG -JS ++CONTROLLERs ++++maincontroller.js ---> main controller ++SHARED --> include angularjs support library ++++angular-mocks.js ++++angular-route.min.js ++++angular.min.js ++app.js --> call into action -INDEX.HTML---> the start point Start point include 6 steps from introduction: Awesome! You built an AngularJS app. How does it work? In app.js , we created a new module named myApp . A module contains the different components of an AngularJS app. Then, in index.html ...
Link to us: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ORHZV9SS-AVsqWigDMWmQ I create this blog to provide League of Legends game philosophy, share your feeling, enjoy your life, get audience for my youtube Explorer Mr Channel. More in this action, we join to explorer many things on over the world. Let's go to share your knowlegdes and improve your abilities. The funny games inspire us. But we will change this blog's purpose for a new target( media, social, study or entertainment)