I posted the previous blog. Here is day 7: Upload regularly( Keep your channel updated to encourage fans to come back; they love seeing your newest videos and other activities).
Day 7: Upload regularly. Keep your channel updated to encourage fans to come back; they love seeing your newest videos and other activities.
Subject read:
Best practices
Fans love seeing what you’re up to, what videos you’ve uploaded, and what videos you’ve liked. When they come to your channel, it’s because they enjoy your videos and want to stay up-to-date. Continual activity, like posting behind the scenes shots or sharing similar content from other creators on your channel, not only keeps your audience engaged, but gives the impression that there is always something new going on. It’s a great way to keep your channel looking fresh and interesting. See how this behavior encourages viewers to keep coming back so that you build a loyal following long term!
+Fans love to see more of what you have. You can get more mileage out of your shoots by reusing footage for videos that require less post-production.
-Use other channel activity to stay fresh.
+If you publish less often, you can still engage your fans with other activities that require less effort than a fully produced video. Consider creating a video series that is interactive (you can feature viewers’ questions or comments, for instance). Activities such as liking someone else’s video, posting a video comment, or making a playlist can also keep your channel fresh and excite your fans with a deeper dive into who you are behind the scenes. Adjust your sharing options in channel settings based on what activity you want to share and publish to subscribers.
This course have a few information to show.
Get activities: answer some question.
Check your knowledge:
Question 1: In addition to uploading a video, what is another way you can show that there is activity on your channel?
Correct answer is All of the above.
Wrong answers are:
-Like a video on another channel.
-Post a video comment.
-Publish a playlist.
Correct answer is: All of the above.
Wrong answers are:
-Viewers become more engaged when they see what kinds of videos you like.
-Fans are attracted to fresh content.
-Activity can keep your channel on the top of your viewers' minds.
Question 3: Why is a schedule important for your channel?
Correct answer is: Your fans will know when they can expect to come back to your channel to see more of what they like from you.
Wrong answers are:
-A schedule is important for you to know what day of the week you need to film.
-You can easily space out when you publish your videos.
-It’s not important, you should just upload a video whenever you have one.
Next: Collaboration( Collaborations can be a powerful way to reach new viewers. Forge connections to find a broader audience.)
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