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back to original of the basically question" how google search engine find out your blog"

My blog go for about 4 months with 37 posts but the google adsense reply that a poor content website. I wonder how that could be. Following many articles over the internet drive me to many subjects, a pile of wool. I try to post more and more but that seem ineffective. SEO is the impacted word. All the ways navigate to the webmaster tool of google. I think simply to know a clear problem, I must to back the primitive website. Your blog or your website start in the first time and hide over about 1 billion active websites. How can the user find yours? That's a big question. They reach to your website/blog through the search engine that google is most popular. If I know how google search work, I can take my goal.

I learn how google does  on webpages. You are almost presented a list of websites by google search engine when you type your word on the google search page. How your website appear on this search results. It depends on the google search engine. We imagine that we are in the library and attend to find some books. What do we do in this task. The process is: finding the book title, listing it's index, asking the librarian. I have a simple case to find out your website as you find the book following the previous process. You want to search your news websites( as or, you must to write down exactly your word "" or ""on google search page to see them. If you not do like that, google show the different results that it known. The google search engine process is: crawling your website, indexing it, serving to the user's search results. I needs let's the google search engine do the process to show the best results to the search user.


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