I stop the day 3 in the series "youtube|Grow your audience bootcamp". I confused about the email that google youtube send to me this morning. It said that one of my clip is removed out because the videos violates their Community Guidelines. They send to me a notice "Your account has received one Community Guidelines strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account getting terminated. For more information about Community Guidelines strikes, please visit our Help Center. Please note that deleting this video will not resolve the strike on your account. For more information about how to appeal a strike, please visit this page in the Help Center.". What's up man? What wrong I do? Almost videos I posted is mine. I created it by recording from my phone or my computer. It happened after I change the title and the description as I learn in the previous course that I posted day 1 -2. Because I see the videos category is music, I want to change it to right category. Is it the roof cause that my videos get removed.
I research some guides of youtube and find some good information. The first, I read carefully the guide relate to Community Guidelines Strike. I try to find out the root cause. I imagine the process: someone report my videos-->youtube check it out-->auto remove. The videos content have a clip about a league of legend match. I wonder that have no violence. One point show a music recorded in the start of this clip. The player listen the music and record it include to the videos. I am not edit or insert the music to this video. I had regard to remove this videos before but I forget.
I hope the youtube have some mistake here. My youtube Explorer Mr Channel is get bad standing status in youtube Community Guidelines. I can't live stream anymore. I got stuck here. I appeal the decision and wait for the email.
"Your video has been removed from YouTube"- a nightmare I got.
--- Explorer Mr Channel ---
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